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Mumbai witnessed biggest Vintage Drive!

Things2do and Maharastra Tourism in association with VCCCI and WIAA organised the Vintage Drive event on 31st January 2021, as a part of the Mumbai Festival. It was one of the biggest curated experiential events by Things2do integrated for The Mumbai Festival. Some of Mumbai’s finest cars and bikes running on the streets since the 1900s were seen rallying across the City of Mumbai. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray; Minister for Tourism and Environment Aditya Thackeray; Nitin Dossa, Chairman, VCCCI; Viveck Goenka, President WIAA; along with renowned businessmen and the vintage car owners.

The view of these cars zooming across the city of Mumbai gave a feeling of the Mumbai Festival that the city is hosting for its people, people lined up across the streets of the city to witness the joy of seeing these beauties from an era gone by. The Festival appreciates Mumbai’s hidden gems, which are a pure testimonial to a popular saying ‘Old is Gold’. Vintage cars like Pontiac, Impala, Cadillac, Buick, Rolls Royce, Lincoln, Chrysler, Mustang, Mercedes, Mini Cooper, Fiat etc. were a part of the Vintage Drive. Things2do manages some of India’s largest hyperlocal communities, including Things2doinMumbai the largest community in Mumbai that reaches more than 20 million Mumbaikars every month.

Uddhav Thackeray commented at the event, “This is a great initiative by the state tourism department and Things2do. These cars are usually seen in Old English and Bollywood movies and this festival brought them alive for our Mumbaikars. The event aims to enhance intra-state tourism and revive the economy which was hit by the pandemic. The Mumbai Festival is not just a city-specific event, it is dedicated to the entire nation!”

Aditya Thackeray said, “The Mumbai Festival is one of the biggest events happening at the beginning of 2021 in the city of Mumbai. The festival is hosted for the people of Mumbai, to enable them to experience the true essence of the city by offering great avenues across the city. I urge everyone to enjoy the festival and explore the best of experiences that our city has to offer!”

On organising the event,Amit Tripathi, Managing Director at Things2docommented, “We are grateful for the amazing response we have received from Mumbaikars, the support from the Government of Maharashtra, and our event partners. By organising the Vintage Drive, we wanted to bring back the glory of all vintage cars in the city and showcase these in The Mumbai Festival highlighting the wonderful experiences that the city has to offer. Things2do curates and co-creates multiple experiences across Food & Beverages, Adventure, Nightlife, Shopping, Hospitality and Staycations, provided by the merchants across the city. Our motto was to highlight the city’s precious treasures and boost intra-city tourism announcing the ongoing carnival in the city.”

The Mumbai Festival by Things2do and Maharashtra Tourism is India’s Biggest Experience Festival which brings you the best of the maximum city at minimum prices.
From shopping and food to nightlife and staycations – this association between Things2do and Maharashtra Tourism opens up every sector of the economy, for every Mumbaikar. With a gamut of packages and experiences carefully curated by things2do, The Mumbai Festival creates a win-win situation for merchants, shoppers and for Mumbai. While massive savings are a given, if you shop smart your entire experience at The Mumbai Festival is designed to be free – like most of the best things in life.

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