Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Unbox your Lego Homes!



“As per RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) act rules, you have to pay for the property on the basis of the carpet area or the area enclosed by walls. Builders cannot charge you for the super built-up area that includes lifts, balconies, stairs and lobbies.The developer or builder cannot make alterations or additions to the building plan without informing two-thirds of the owners about such a change. It can only proceed if a majority of homebuyers’ consent.Also, the new carpet area computation as per RERA act includes the internal walls as against the earlier carpet area computation pattern. Some developers are offering the buyers to design the wall location in advance as per their interior requirements.But these walls would be fixed in the location and cannot be moved as per requirement where as the Lego homes offer you flexibility of design.”

“Everyone is familiar with the Lego games we use to play when we were young; then what do we mean by the Lego homes? With so much advancement in technology, durable and fast construction techniques are possible. What if the next generation residences allow the users to Unbox their own home? Here I mean is if the flat/ house users are allowed to play with the walls. As everyone knows the load of the building is taken by the beams and columns. The walls are the space enclosures for weather protection and safety.”

“Here the user/owner could design his space, decide the wall locations as per his requirement. The walls will function as flexible partitions.The interlocking walls could be flexible in terms of location; which means the wall can be moved from one location to another as the use requirement. Electric and other services could be run through floor and ceiling. Except for external walls all internal walls could be free from any services. The floor to floor height, room sizes and ergonomics for residential could be redefined to house the services.Having floor mounted switch boards, or standalone artifacts which serve as switch boards. The user can play with the materials, its colours, could replace the components in case of wear and tear.They could be painted the surfaces like the conventional walls, can have wall paper finish etc.”

Considering this now we can allow the users to design their own spaces keeping in mind the Individuality of space. There are two design possibilities in Lego Homes:

• Pre-Designed by Architect:
“As prevalent now, all the building flats are designed with the internal walls enclosing the rooms as designed by the designer (Architect). Before the possession of property; the architect would provide for the possible permutation for the spaces been occupied by the user. A user guide in terms of the walls could be provided, etc.”

Here an empty grid work enclosed with the external walls would be provided. The architect would not design for any internal layout. All services locations would be provided up to the entry of the flat. The internal walls would be absent to provide the user to design his space.

“Lego homes will have interlocking walls, with no plastered walls, which would save space, time and allow flexibility of design. Lego homes concepts provide benefits of such as Flexibility of design, enhances creativity, User specific, can be transformed as per changing needs, Sustainable design, easy to repair, etc.These ‘Lego’ houses take a few days to build and can becompletely carbon-neutral.”

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