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Watch Films on World Water Day tomorrow!

World Water Day is observed on 22nd March every year to highlight importance of water conservation and to raise awareness about the global water crisis. To mark the day, Films Division has joined hands with Children’s Film Society, India (CFSI), to screen a special package of films on its website and YouTube Channel, tomorrow, 22nd March 2021.

The theme of World Water Day 2021 is ‘valuing water’. The value of water is much more than what is debated today – it has enormous and unfathomable value for the very existence of the world.  Film Division-CFSI films also reflect the same message.

The films being streamed are:  Rain Man (English/2019/13min/ Viplove Rai Bhatia) – a film on how to save the rainwater. This film highlights the work of noted scientist Dr. Shivkumar, popularly known as “Rain Man” who recommends harvesting rainwater falling on the roof top to save water.

Johad – A Source of Water (Hindi/1999/10 min/Swadesh Pathak)  portrays Johad – a traditional water shed practice in Rajasthan which provides water for irrigation, drinking and other domestic purposes and increases bio mass productivity, i.e., food grain, milk and milk products due to increased water availability.  

Water, Land and The People (English/2004/9 Min/ Mohi-ud-Din Mirza)  attempts to highlight the current situation in India and proposes remedies to reverse the alarming trend of water scarcity  by the integration of land, water and the people

Pani – Re – Pani (English /2006/10 Min/ Urmi Chakraborty) conveys a strong message that water is most essential for sustaining life on earth and water issues need delicate monitoring not only by the government agencies but also by the common people.

Veracity (Hindi/2020/ 4 Min/Swadesh Pathak) is a sand animation film that portrays how  to save rain water through the simple system fixed on yours roof. The system called “Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting” means to store rain water in a tank which is useful for drinking throughout the year and the excess water goes into the ground and recharges the ground water.        

Two films by Children’s Film Society, India – Water So Precious (A.K. Bir/ 12 minutes /Hindi/2000) and Paani Re Paani (Sai Paranjpye/ 13 Minutes/ Hindi/2004) are also part of the package. These films document environmental concerns through the eyes of children.

The films will be screened on under ‘Documentary of the Week’ section and also on YouTube channel i.e.

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