Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PM to visit Assam and W. Bengal tomorrow!

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Kolkata to address the ‘Parakram Diwas’ celebrations on 23rd January, 2021, to commemorate the 125th birth anniversary year of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Prime Minister will also visit Jerenga Pathar in Sivasagar, Assam to distribute 1.06 lakh land pattas/allotment certificates.

PM in West Bengal

Prime Minister will preside over the inaugural function of the ‘Parakram Diwas’ celebrations at Victoria Memorial in Kolkata. In order to honour and remember Netaji’s  indomitable spirit and  selfless service to the nation, Government of India has decided to celebrate his birthday on 23rd January every year as ‘Parakram Diwas’ to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

A permanent exhibition and a Projection Mapping Show on Netaji will be inaugurated on the occasion. A commemorative coin and postage stamp will also be released by the Prime Minister. A cultural programme “Amra Nuton Jouboneri Doot”, based on the theme of Netaji, will also be held.

Before this event, Prime Minister will visit the National Library, Kolkata, where an International Conference “Re-visiting the legacy of Netaji Subhas in the 21st century” and an Artists’ Camp are being organized. Prime Minister will interact with the artists and conference participants.

PM in Assam

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister will distribute 1.06 lakh land pattas/allotment certificates in Sivasagar, Assam. Taking into account an urgent need to protect the land rights of indigenous people of the State, Government of Assam came out with a comprehensive new Land Policy with a renewed emphasis on protecting the land rights of the indigenous people. The issuance of patta/allotment certificates for indigenous people of Assam has been given highest priority in order to instil a sense of security amongst them. Assam had 5.75 lakh landless families in 2016. The present Government has distributed 2.28 lakhs land pattas/allotment certificates since May 2016. The ceremony on 23rd January marks the next step in this process.

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कुर्ल्यातल्या कबड्डी स्पर्धेत अंबिका, पंढरीनाथ संघांची बाजी

शिवजयंती उत्सवाचे औचित्य साधून मुंबईतल्या कुर्ला (पश्चिम) येथील गांधी मैदानात जय शंकर चौक क्रीडा मंडळ आणि गौरीशंकर क्रीडा मंडळ यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने मुंबई उपनगर कबड्डी असोसिएशनच्या मान्यतेने आयोजित पुरुष गटाच्या कबड्डी स्पर्धेत प्रथम श्रेणी गटात अंबिका सेवा मंडळ, कुर्ला...

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क्रीडा क्षेत्रात आपली वेगळी ओळख निर्माण केलेल्या स्वामी समर्थ क्रीडा मंडळाच्या "स्वामी समर्थ श्री" राज्यस्तरीय शरीरसौष्ठव स्पर्धेच्या माध्यमातून मुंबईकर शरीरसौष्ठवप्रेमींना जानदार, शानदार आणि पीळदार शरीरसौष्ठवपटूंचे ग्लॅमर पाहायला मिळणार आहे. आमदार महेश सावंत यांच्या आयोजनाखाली मुंबईच्या प्रभादेवीत दै. सामना मार्गाशेजारील...

भारतात महिलांच्या आत्महत्त्यांपैकी ३६.६% तरुणींच्या!

पुरुषांपेक्षा महिलांमध्ये चिंता आणि नैराश्य अधिक प्रमाणात असून जागतिक स्तरावर ही समस्या अधिक व्यापक आहे, असा अहवाल नीरजा बिर्ला यांच्या नेतृत्त्वाखालील आदित्य बिर्ला एज्युकेशन ट्रस्टच्या एमपॉवर, या अभ्यास गटाने प्रसिद्ध केला आहे. भारतात पुरुषांपेक्षा हे प्रमाण दुप्पट असून यात...
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