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Celebrate Women’s Day with Film festival!

Films Division in collaboration with Children’s Film Society, India is celebrating International Women’s Day from 8 to 10 March 2021 with the theme Choose to Challenge and the three day festivities will include a festival of documentaries and feature films curated along this year’s theme and webinars on germane topics.

The celebrations will kick start with an austere inaugural ceremony led by Smita Vats Sharma, Director General, Films Division at 11.00 am on 8th March, 2021 at Films Division complex, Mumbai followed by webinar on ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution in India: A brief Overview’ with  Asha Gopalan Nair, Advocate and senior Mediator, Supreme Court of India as a key speaker. In the second webinar of the day, Dr. Anupama R, a renowned Gynaecologist from Thiruvananthapuram  will speak on the topic ‘Health Challenges faced by Women’.

On Day 2 on 9th March, a webinar on  ‘Women in Filmmaking: Challenges in Creating Space’ will be held where young filmmakers,  Batul Mukhtiyar and Teenaa Kaur Pasricha will speak on their cinematic journey and how they created a space in the colossal media firmament. To make the discussion more fruitful, students from various media institutions will join the webinar. The day’s programme will conclude with a webinar on ‘Financial Planning’ with Rakhee Nikam, Investment Advisor from Mumbai as a key speaker.

As the theme Choose to Challenge dominates the three days’ event,  an on line inspirational talk will be held on the concluding day on 10th March, 2021 with two women achievers who have challenged their visual impediments – Dr. Kalpana Kharade, a leading educationalist and Ms. Sadaf Khan, an HR professional from Mumbai –  sharing  their success stories. This will be followed by Prof Kiran Makhijani, Clinical Psychologist from Mumbai leading the webinar on ‘Mental Health: Issues and Stigmas’.

Apart from Films Division officials from  Mumbai and  field offices, officials of  Children’s Film Society, India will also participate in the webinars  online.

A special attraction of the International Women’s Day celebrations is a curated festival of documentaries and feature films that highlight the spirit of Choose to Challenge. The films produced by Films Division and CFSI will be streamed on of the Week and from 8th to 10th March, 2021.

List of films to be screened online: 

1. Wings of Desire (59 Min./ English/ 2018/ Pratibha Kaur Pasricha)

2. Drama Queens (52 Min./ English/ 2019/ Sohini Dasgupta)

3. Inner Voice (5 Min./ English/ 2016/  Jimmy Luke)

4. I Rise (52 Min/ English/ 2019/ Borun Thokchom)

5. The Day I Became a Woman (34.27 Min./ English/ 2019/ Moupia Mukherjee)

6.Diler Arunima Sinha (4.30 Min./ English/ 2017/ K. S. Shridhar)

7. Phulbasan Bai ( Part – I ) (27.50 Min./ English/ 2014/ Navindra Behl)

8. Begamon Ka Bhopal (26.14/ English/ 2017/ Rachita Gorowala)

9.Lilkee (86 Min./ English/ 2006/CFSI/ Batul Mukhtiyar)

10. Choo Lenge Akash (90 Min./English/2000/CFSI/Virendra Saini

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