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Pearson up skills over 500 teachers!


KHL News Bureau
“According to UNESCO report, over 290 million students across 22 countries will be impacted due to the corona virus pandemic. In such a scenario, virtual learning comes to rescue but it also poses certain challenges for educators who are not proficient in online teaching methodology. Hence, to break this barrier and aid both teachers and students, Pearson, the world’s leading learning company has taken the initiative to up skill teachers in online teaching techniques. Pearson conducted pan-India online training sessions for over 500 teachers across 30 schools, empowering them to use online learning platforms and teach students digitally during this critical time. Important topics like Lesson Planning, Strategies to improve Reading and Writing skills in English, Interactive strategies to teach Science and Social Science, Strategies to make Mathematics learning (Fun)tactics, Phonics, how to plan and execute an online class in an engaging and interactive manner etc. were covered during these sessions.”
“Ramananda SG, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Pearson India, said, “The restrictions on mobility, owing to the lockdown, have created a gap between students and teachers, impacting the learning of children at schools and other educational institutions. Our efforts are aimed at easing the challenges being faced by educators in teaching over digital modes of learning, especially in Tier 2 cities. These sessions will empower educators and students in continuing their learning curve and ensure proper utilization of their time. Additionally, access to Active App will support parents in keeping their children engaged in learning, as they juggle between working from home and managing household chores. Our endeavour is to support teachers and parents at this critical time by ensuring continuity of learning for children.””

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