Sunday, September 8, 2024
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LEAD School recommends school reopening plan!

“Ahead of the Human Resource Development Ministry issuing guidelines to help schools plan their reopening, LEAD School, which is running the largest online school in the country, has submitted its recommendations to the Ministry, Central and State Boards. LEAD School also released the Post Lockdown School Handbook for the benefit of all schools across India to help them plan and prepare for reopening.”
“Amid the norms of social distancing set by the Government of India, the Handbook guides schools in running the essential activities ranging from school transport, classroom seating, offline-online learning and academic year planning and outdoor activities. It also focuses on health and hygiene and responsibilities of school, teachers, parents and students.”
Key suggestions from the Handbook include:
“Sumeet Mehta, Cofounder & Chief Executive Officer, LEAD School said, “For schools, the post-lockdown challenges can be solved when they work along with parents, teachers, education department and local governments to create safe and healthy environment. LEAD School has prepared a comprehensive Handbook to help schools deliver excellent learning while taking care of the safety and health of their students and staff on reopening. The handbook contains a checklist that every school can use to prepare for the Post-Lockdown period.””
“LEAD School created the roadmap for schools to handle any disruption in operations once the lockdown is over. Such disruptions could include heightened concerns of child and staff safety at school, sudden changes in COVID zones or new outbreak of cases, quarantining of students or teacher due to positive cases and any new government measures on social distancing that may hamper school operations.”

“The Handbook has been circulated to 800+ schools in 15 states, covering over 3lakh students studying in tier 2, 3 and 4 cities and towns in India.”

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परकीय गुंतवणुकीत महाराष्ट्राची बाजी!

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